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Messages are the communication medium in Distributed Service Infrastructures. Although messages are developed under the hood, using the service and operation constructs and binding specification, the Windows Communication Foundation provides for extending the channel stack to enable access to these messages. Understanding Message Inspection explores this extensibility and illustrates programming steps required to write the request and reply messages to files.

Threads are mysterious but powerful in that they enable the programmer to structure processing of an application’s tasks in parallel and control asynchronous access to critical resources.

Click Understanding Threads to view a tutorial that strips threads of their mystery.

Workflow enables designers/analysts to model business processes. User friendly workflow visualization tools are diminishing the gap between the user, designer/analyst and developer. Business can expect the following improvements to be affected by workflow visualization.
  • Efficiency increases as process transparency increases resulting in removal of unnecessary and redundant tasks.
  • Control improvement through identification and implementation of monitoring and audit trails.

Immediate benefits to developers include the following:

  •  Faster development - program flow and method stubs are automatically produced.
  • Improved documentation, a by-product, will promote code reuse and standardization.

With workflow’s increasing user-friendliness, integration into popular business applications and acceptance by end-users it is emerging as the next step in programming abstraction.

Click “ Windows Workflow Tutorial: Introduction” to step into Microsoft’s workflow world.

Web based solutions enable efficient and robust systems for data management. Providers and Locations (PAL) is an on-line solution enabling the update of information regarding service location and providers.
Click "Log into PAL" to see PAL in action.


Technical Books




Message Inspection

Workflow Introduction


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